The Animon Website
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What is Animon?
Story of Animon

What is Animonland, you ask? Animonland is a made-up amusement park my friend and I invented. We hope to have it built when we are older. If not, it will provide an everlasting memory for us our whole lives.
Here is a list of some rides and attractions located at Animonland. We will add more soon.
Entry Plaza
Speedy City
Speedy! - The largest and fastest coaster in the world, Speedy! will surely have you screaming! You board Speedy-shaped cars and go from 0 to 150 mph in just 3 seconds! You then enter a huge drop that is nearly 500 feet tall. After that, you go though loops and tight turns, which are cursive S-shaped. The entire ride only takes a minute, and is the scariest ride in the park. The height requirement is 56" because of the extreme nature of this ride.
Buzzin' Fuzzin - Guests board Fuzzin-shaped gondolas and they spin around in a circle while riders can control their up-and-down movement. Guests under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. There are single and double rider Fuzzin, so you can ride alone or with a friend.
Animon Carousel - Guests sit on various Animon figures as they go up and down while moving around in a circle. Infants and young children must be accompanied by an adult.
The Carsonator 3-D - Guests enter through a building and enetr a 3-D theatre where Carson takes you on an adventure. Things will pop out at you and the seats will shake. Guests have to be 46" or over to ride alone. Under 46" have to be with an adult.
More will come soon, so stay tuned!  

Animon is copyright Freezy 2000-2006. Do not attempt to steal or claim Animon is yours in any way.